Blog posts

Means Tested Care Fee For Aged Care: You Complete Guide

Means Tested Care Fee For Aged Care: You Complete Guide

The way you structure your income and assets can greatly impact your aged care Means-Tested Care fee. But what is the Means-Tested Care fee and how does it work? What is the Aged Care Means-Tested Care Fee? The aged care Means-Tested Care fee is a fee payable by...

Is It Better To Pay RAD or DAP for Aged Care?

Is It Better To Pay RAD or DAP for Aged Care?

Upon moving into residential aged care, you have the option of paying a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP), a lump sum towards the Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD), or a combination of the two. But what’s the best option? Is it better to pay a RAD or a DAP? To...

Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) For Aged Care Explained

Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) For Aged Care Explained

Getting your head around aged care fees can be difficult. One of the most important fees to understand is the Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) and how you should manage it. What is a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)? A Daily Accommodation Payment is a...

Do I Have To Sell My Home for Aged Care? What Are the Rules?

Do I Have To Sell My Home for Aged Care? What Are the Rules?

There seems to be a lot of confusion about whether or not you have to sell your home when moving into aged care. So, what are the rules? Let’s set the record straight once and for all. Do I Have to Sell My Home for Aged Care? There is no requirement to sell your...

Refundable Accommodation Deposit Assets Test Explained

Refundable Accommodation Deposit Assets Test Explained

Understanding how the Refundable Accommodation Deposit asset test is applied not only helps you calculate how much you should pay towards the RAD, but also allows you to implement aged care financial planning strategies to minimise aged care fees and maximise Age...

Refundable Accommodation Deposits: Aged Care RAD Explained

Refundable Accommodation Deposits: Aged Care RAD Explained

When choosing an aged care facility for a parent or loved-one, it’s important to know the Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) in order to determine affordability. Each aged care facility has its own Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) amount. But what is it? How...